
Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies

Kengeri Satellite Town, Bengaluru
Permanently Affiliated to Bangalore University And Recognized by UGC Under 2(f) and 12(B)

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Academic Overview

In line with the developments in pedagogical practices and ever changing demands in higher education scenario, the institution focuses on consistently improving the teaching – learning process by making it more students centric.

Various support structures, in terms of both physical infrastructure and knowledge base like INFLIBNET, well-equipped ICT enabled Class rooms, Audio-visual room and Seminar Hall with LCD projectors and Wi-Fi connection, special reference books, competitive books and Ipomo an Academic Management System to enable quick, well documented, effective and integrated academic environment by providing access to Faculty, Management, Students and Parents are provided to enable student centric teaching – learning, which in turn facilitate teachers and students to enrich their knowledge and make class room teaching and learning more effective and interesting. Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences of students.

Assessment of learning levels of the students:

The institution assesses the learning levels of the students, after admission and organises special programs for advanced learners and slow learners

Students are assessed and identified as advanced and slow learners mainly based on their performance in the previous qualifying exams. Qualifying examination marks are taken as benchmark to assess and charter remedial strategies for quality enhancement among the learning abilities of the students.

Following aspects are considered for continuous monitoring of performance of students throughout the course duration.

  • Participation in class room activities, Presentations, Group activities, Observation and feedback from teachers and mentors.
  • Performance in tests and pre - final examination.
  • Through interaction with students and parents.
Innovation and Creativity in Teaching - Learning

There is great emphasis on innovativeness and creativity in teaching practices in the institution, by providing faculty members with necessary knowledge and infrastructure. The IQAC arranges training programs/workshops for use of ICT and innovative pedagogical practices and also interactions with educationists.

Innovation in teaching methods is also given prominence in the evaluation of performance of a teacher.

Following are the Innovations and Creativity in teaching - learning practices observed in the institution over last five years:

Theatre based learning:

  • Online clippings, Videos are shown to students related to subject/topic.
  • Screening of movies pertaining to the syllabus or general issues followed by discussions and reviews.

Activity based learning:

  • Collection of articles from newspapers and magazines and presentation of ideas.
  • Assignments are given based on live or practical cases relating to subjects/concepts.

Use of LMS (Google class room):

  • It is a free web service developed by Google that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments and share information in a paperless way. It’s a virtual classroom which is being used by the faculty members to share information and give assignments online to students.:

Mind mapping:

  • It is an innovative thinking activity which helps students to visualize and externalize concepts and understand the connections between different ideas.

Entrepreneurship Mela:

  • Mela by name "Vinyas" is being conducted by Entrepreneurship Development Cellsince 2016-17 especially for final year students which focus on practical exposure of setting up business, accounting aspects, reports, budgeting etc. Students are made to come up with their own ideas and products, sell their products and make money.

Peer training:

  • Peer training is a mutual training and learning process that involves students of the same level engaging in collaborative learning. In this one or more learners teach other learners. Peer training allows students to work through new concepts and share ideas with their peers. This opportunity to teach and be taught by one another is an effective way for institutions to grow stronger students as a team to work productively.

Business Lab:

  • The business lab "Ignite" aims to provide practical exposure to students by bridging the gap between academia and industry through its varied range of initiations and activities. It also has an intention to enhance and enrich the skills and entrepreneurship ability among students.
  • The lab caters to the needs of students by conducting the following activities and programs:
    • Virtual Trading and Stock Mind competition conducted by ICICI, Direct Centre for Financial Learning to enhance and uplift their financial trading skills and how one can individually trade in stock exchange.
    • Mock trading (Stock) Session for all Commerce students.
    • Mock Banking.
    • Collecting specimen copy of various forms of Banks and Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and Prospectus of Companies.
    • Charts and Business models are prepared and displayed.
    • Magazines are displayed and kept for reference.
    • Interaction with Business Tycoons arranged.
    • Mock interviews, presentations, collage making and debate competitions are conducted.
    • Students are also guided and facilitated to do Mini Projects.
    • Efforts are also made to build research attitude by guiding them to present papers in conference.

SABS follows the curriculum assigned by the Bengaluru University. The focus is to ensure the academic excellence of students which is very much a requisite for their future. At the same time, special attention is also paid to go beyond the textbook to make sure that the knowledge transferred is also practically applicable.

Course Structure & Content as per NEP - 2020 Regulations