Anti Ragging
Ragging is a menace plaguing higher education institutions. Civil society and academic authorities stood aghast at this pernicious scourge for some time. The University Grants Commission has taken stock of the situation and made stringent regulations to deracinate this evil practice, and to punish its perpetrators, should instances of ragging occur. A major stipulation of the UGC is the establishment of an Anti-Ragging Cell in every higher education institution.
SABS has accordingly constituted an Anti-Ragging Cell. Its objectives are listed below.
- To root out ragging from the college.
- To prevent the occurrence of ragging.
- To strictly observe the provisions of the UGC Act.
- To consider ragging as a cognizable offence.
- To take strict action against those indulging in ragging.
- To advertise that ragging is totally banned in the institution.
- To sensitize students in respect of the prohibition and consequences of ragging.
- To take undertakings from students and their parents/guardians that they will not abet ragging.
- To impose exemplary punishment on those round guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging.
- To keep intense watch upon student(s) who have a negative mindset.
- To obtain additional undertakings from hostel inmates.
- To convene a meeting of students every year and discuss the measures to be taken to prevent ragging.
- To make society aware or the dehumanizing impact of ragging.
- To give adequate publicity to the law prohibiting ragging.
- To identify properly illuminate and man vulnerable locations.
- To tighten security in the institution's premises, especially at vulnerable places.
- To resort to intense policing at odd hours.
- To launch wide publicity campaigns against ragging through posters, leaflets, seminars, street plays etc.
- To help and guide fresher’s to reduce their dependence on seniors.
- To instil the confidence in fresher’s that the institution cares for them and shall not tolerate any atrocities against them.
- To organize joint sensitization programmes of fresher’s and seniors.
- To encourage 'fresher’s to report incidents of ragging either as victims or witnesses.
- To coordinate with various departments to monitor incidents of ragging.
- To arrange regular and periodic psychological counselling and orientation for students, involving parents and teachers.
- To file an FIR with the police whenever a case or ragging is reported.
- To initiate healthy interaction between fresher's and seniors.
- To document and present to the NAAC the anti-ragging initiatives taken by the institution and their success.
- To take cognizance of complaints about sexual harassment, conduct enquiries, provide assistance and redressed to the victims, recommend penalties and take action against the harasser, if necessary.
- To recommend to the authorities concerned follow-up action.
- To advise the disciplinary authority concerned to issue warnings to the harasser.
- To seek medical, legal and police intervention with the consent of the complainant.
- To make arrangements for appropriate psychological, emotional and physical support to the victim
Committee Formation Mechanism
Anti-ragging Committee shall be constituted with a diverse mix of membership terms of level as well as gender comprising of Principal as Chairman, representatives of female and male faculty members, senior students, non-teaching staff.
- Anti-Ragging Committee shall ensure compliance with the provisions of Regulations as well as any law for the time being in force concerning ragging.
- Anti-Ragging squad shall be nominated by principal provided that the squad shall have representation of various members of the campus community and shall have no outside representation for maintaining oversight and patrolling functions.
- Anti-Ragging Squad shall remain mobile, alert, active at all times and make surprise visits in the campus and other places susceptible to incidents and having the potential for ragging in the campus and nearly proximities during college working hours as preventive measure to ensure such incident do not occur.
- Anti-Ragging policy including the statement that ragging is totally banned and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or supporting ragging is likely to be punished shall be prominently displayed in various places in the campus.
- The application form for admission has an affidavit, that shall be filled up and signed by the candidate to the effect that he/she is aware of the law regarding prohibition of ragging as well as the punishments, and that he/she, if found guilty of the offence of ragging and/or supporting ragging, is liable to be punished appropriately.
- A student seeking admission to the hostel shall have to submit another affidavit along with his/her application for hostel accommodation that he/she is also aware of the law in this regard and agrees to abide by the punishments meted out if he/ she is found guilty of ragging and/or supporting ragging.
- Orientation program shall be conducted during the inauguration of the UG course wherein information pertaining to Anti-Ragging Committee members, their telephone numbers and Help line numbers shall be provided.
- Security and Physical Education Directors shall be instructed to be vigilant and highly alert in premises, especially at the susceptible places.
- Mobile Phones and other communication devices shall be permitted in hostels to provide access to the students particularly fresher, to reach out for help from teachers, parents and Institution authority.
- Awareness program shall be organized to educate them that Ragging is offence and also about the law governing Anti-Ragging.
Principal as Chairman
Redressed Mechanism
Anti-Ragging Squad shall be empowered to conduct on-the-spot enquiry into any incidents of ragging observed by it or referred to it by the HOD/member or the faculty/ staff/student/parent of a service provider/stake holder, as the case may be: and the enquiry report along with recommendations shall be submitted to the Anti-Ragging Committee for action.
Anti-Ragging Squad shall conduct an enquiry observing a fair and transparent procedure by giving adequate opportunity to the victim and the accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts. documents and views concerning the incidents or ragging.
If complaint received is through external source, the Anti-Ragging Committee shall address the same and the report shall be submitted.
Principal shall be empowered to impose any of the punishment/(s) listed below or any other kind or punishment, which he/she may consider to be appropriate based on the report or enquiry submitted by the 'Anti Ragging Committee'
Anti Ragging Minutes of Meeting
Suraksha - Anti Ragging Cell Committee
Faculty Convener
Student Conveners
- Bhoomika R Pawar
- Eeshakiran
Helpline Number:
Prevention of Sexual Harassment - NIRBHAYA
The College has an Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell and the various faculty members have been designated to take care of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell. The Committee deals with issues relating to sexual harassment at the college. It is applicable to all students and faculty. A complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment may be lodged by the victim or a third party
A written complaint may be addressed to the principal over phone or in person and it will be kept confidential and also the action will be taken immediately. The students can also communicate their problem directly to the Principal. The cell provides security & counselling to those who have faced problem and mental trauma. The details of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell members have been displayed in the college notice board for student reference.
The Cell deals with issues relating to sexual harassment. The issues related under following behaviour:
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell Committee
Faculty Convener
Student Conveners
- Ranjitha G N
- Aishwarya S Patil
- Demand or request for sexual favours
- Sexually coloured remarks
- Eve-teasing,
- Jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment,
- Gender based insults or sexist remarks,
- Unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner such as over telephone
- Touching or brushing against any part of the body and the like,
- Displaying pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or
- Physical confinement against one's will and any other act likely to violate one's privacy. The
victim and harasser can be any gender
- The harasser does not have to be of the opposite sex
The proceedings of the Committee
- The victim and harasser can be any gender
- The harasser does not have to be of the opposite sex
- As soon as the issue came to know immediate action will be taken against guilt party and ensuring support services to the victimized and termination of the harassment.
- Every fortnight the committee members will meet and discuss the issues and action plan will be taken to prevent that in future.
Grievance Redressal
The Grievance Redressal Cell has been formed in our College as per the UGC guidelines to redress the grievances of the Students. We strongly focus towards the sensitive circumstances faced by Students. The function of the cell is to look into the complaints lodged by any student, and judge its merit.
In case the student is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be informed through Mentoring Sessions conducted during the Academic Year or dropped in writing at the suggestion box of the Grievance Cell at Administrative Block. Grievances may also be sent through e-mail to the officer in-charge of Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell.
Objective :
- The objective of the GrievanceRedressal Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
- To redress any grievances of the Students to the extent possible in order to support them emotionally.
Functions :
- The cases will be attended promptly on receipt of written grievances from the students.
- The cell formally will review all cases and will act accordingly as per the Management policy.
- The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.
Grievance Mechanism :
Committee Members:
Name |
Designation |
Role |
Prof. Jayarama |
Principal |
Chairperson |
Akshatha M R |
Assistant Professor |
Coordinator |
Prof. Asha G |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Sowmya D N |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Roopashree U |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Chaithra H S |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Shivanand Bande |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Bindu S |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Nandini R G |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
The institution's Schedule Caste (SC) /Schedule Tribe (ST), SC/ST Cell was established in the year 2019, in accordance with the provisions of the University Grants Commission's XI plan, to monitor the actions of professors and students from Other Weaker Sections. The SC/ST Cell at the college promotes a secure and civil living and working environment for all students, staff, and faculty with ties to the local community. Regardless of colour, religion, caste, creed, or culture, the institution is committed to promoting an environment that respects and supports diversity. An SC/ST Cell must be formed in order to ensure adherence to the reservations orders periodically issued in favour of SC/ST and quick settlement of concerns of SC/ST Category Workers. The college is especially interested in finding these students financial help from governmental organisations and other sources. Additionally, the cell is always working to address the numerous issues that SC/ST students have.
- To execute, monitor, and assess regularly the University's reservation policy, as well as design steps to ensure the successful execution of policies and programmes of the Government of India and UGC.
- To educate, enlighten, and empower the students and faculty of SC/ST categories at the institution to utilise the facilities provided by the government and other agencies for their educational and professional advancement.
- Collect data about the execution of rules governing with regards to admissions of students, appointments to teaching and non-teaching posts at college, and analyse the data to determine the trends and changes in relation to meeting the quota.
- Coordination of equal opportunity, welfare, and other programmes, including government and UGC financial aid.
- To counsel and direct SC/ST students on a variety of subjects and to assist them in managing their academic responsibilities.
- The college's SC/ST Cell serves as a point of contact between students and several government agencies to facilitate and expedite the awarding of scholarships, other types of financial help and providing Library books etc.
- The committee meets twice a year and submit the institution's head with an annual report on SC/ST students' admission on reservation rules, admitted in the general category, complaints and references made by students, financial aid from the state and Central governments, non Government agencies etc.
SC/ST Minutes of Meeting
Student Coordinator of SC/ST Cell
- Jeevashree M
I B.Com Student
- Pratheeba R
I BCA Student
- Shrushti S Belagali
I BBA Student
- Manjunath Yantamana B
I B.Com Student
A special cell was introduced in order to look into the affairs of Other Backward Class students and staff of the institution. OBC Cell was established on 27.05. 2019 in accordance with the guidelines of the University Grants Commission. The OBC Cell of the college creates a living and working environment where all employees and students belonging to the community should feel safe and respected. The institution is committed to provide an environment that promotes diversity and respects everyone regardless of colour, religious belief, caste, creed or cultures. In order to ensure due compliance of the orders of reservation issued from time to time in favour of OBC from government and universities. The college takes special interest in facilitating financial support to students from government agencies and other sources. And the cell is always engaged to solve the various problems of OBC students.
- To educate, enlighten and empower the students of Other Backward Classes (OBC) to avail scholarships, adequate support and opportunities for the growth and development.
- To Counsel and guide OBC students about various issues and help them to manage academic activities.
- The OBC Cell of the college creates an environment where all employees and students belonging to the community should feel safe and Secure.
- To bridge a gap between students and the Government Departments to get and prompt distribution of scholarships and other financial assistance.
- To provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of occurrences of any event at the campus.
- To encourage enrolling for career orientation programmes, this would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.
- The college's OBC Cell serves as a point of contact between students and several government agencies to facilitate and expedite the awarding of scholarships, other types of financial help and providing library books etc.
- The committee meets twice a year and submit the institution's head with an annual report on OBC students admission on reservation rules admitted in the general category, complaints and references made by students, financial aid from the state and Central governments, Non - Government agencies etc.
OBC Minutes of Meeting
Student Coordinator of OBC Cell
- Vaaruni C P
I B.Com Student
- Prajwal B U
I B.Com Student
- Monisha B
I BCA Student
- Jeevan A
I BBA Student
The minority cell of the college is formed with the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the college on 27.05.2019. The Minority Cell basically helps minority students including Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Muslim, Sikh etc. for their academic development. The cell enables to build Equity, Equality and Access to all members of minority group and it also helps to manage end to end academic and non-academic concerns with regard to cast, social, economic, racial, lingual aspects in minority group.
- It helps to enhance equal opportunities for education of Minorities.
- To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
- To promote social inclusion and provide fairness and equal opportunity for the college minority community
- To encourage for participation in various orientation programs which would empower them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.
- To provide counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus.
- To facilitate financial support to students from minority communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
- To collect reports and information of State Government and UGC's orders on various aspects of the education, employment of Minority Students.
- To circulate State Government and UGC's decisions about different scholarship programs.
- Grievance Redressal
- The complaint forms are made available with the Convenor of the Cell. Aggrieved parties have to fill the complaint form and submit the same along with necessary supporting documents (If any), for further course of action and redressal.
- The grievant and the concerned persons to the case will be heard by the cell. Convener and members to understand the view points and redress the case in an unbiased manner.
- The cell assures to provide an equitable solution within 7 working days.
- The college's Minority Cell serves as a point of contact between students and several government agencies to facilitate and expedite the awarding of scholarships, other types of financial help and providing library books etc.
- The committee meets twice a year and submit the institution's head with an annual report on Minority students admission on reservation rules admitted in the general category, complaints and references made by students, financial aid from the state and Central governments, Non - Government agencies etc.
Minority Cell Minutes of Meeting
Student Coordinator of Minority Cell
I BBA Student
I B.Com Student
Internal Complaints Committee
Soon after the Vishakha judgment of August 1997, the UGC issued circulars to all Higher Education Institutions, advising them to establish permanent cells to address and redress sexual harassment to develop guidelines to combat such harassment and violence against women.
- To proactively create a conducive atmosphere on the campus, where the status of women is respected.
- a. To initiatives for sensitization or gender.
- Awareness on the campus.
- To provide all students, particularly women students, with a safe and dignified environment in which they can achieve their goals and realize their full potential as individuals.
- To provide a civil Redressal mechanism.
- To hear and evaluate complaints in a manner sensitive to the impact of sexual harassment on the individual.
- To conduct gender sensitization workshops for employees.
- To conduct orientation workshops for students, and arrange talks, discussions, films and cultural events related to gender sensitization and harassment.
- To receive and record complaints of sexual harassment.
- To enquire into complaints of sexual harassment using procedures in conformity with the principles of natural justice and gender sensitivity.
- To complete the inquiry in the shortest possible time.
- To provide reasonable opportunity to the complainant and the defendant for presenting/defending her/his case.
- To evolve a safe, accessible, and sensitive mechanism for registering complaints.
To respect the Constitutional duty of protecting basic human rights such as gender equality, as well as to protect students, professors, and administrative staff from sexual harassment and abuse on campus, in order to create a comfortable and conducive environment.
Internal Complaints' Committee (ICC) of Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies was formed under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013, (Hereinafter referred to as the Act). The Act provides protection against sexual harassment of women at workplaces and for the prevention and Redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. This Act was adapted by the UGC to be followed by institutions of higher learning. Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies follows UGC Regulations 2015 regarding Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions.
Women faculty members, non-teaching employees, a representative from an NGO and student representatives from UG. Each member of the Committee will hold office for not more than three years.
Name |
Designation |
Dr. Jayarama |
Chairman |
Ms. Akshatha M R |
Convener |
Dr. Roopashree U |
Member |
Prof Asha G |
Member |
Dr. Sowmya D N |
Member |
Prof. Lakshmi S |
Member |
Procedure upon the filing of the complaint.
- A meeting will be held if a complaint is received by any member.
- The written complaint is taken and the committee prepares and submits the detailed statement of the incidents within two days.
- An inquiry be held with the members of the Internal Complaints Committee
- The issue be discussed and finalized within seven days
- Fie the minutes ofthe inquiry.
Complaint Procedure of Online:
Students and Staff can also express their grievances online by filling out the form available in the college website or sending mail.