
Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies

Kengeri Satellite Town, Bengaluru
Permanently Affiliated to Bangalore University And Recognized by UGC Under 2(f) and 12(B)

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

NSS , Civil Defence , NCC & Youth Red Cross

NSS-National Service Scheme

The NSS Department of Bangalore University has granted permission to Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies, K.S. Town, to start a new NSS unit under self financing agreement under the advice of the college Principal.

We encourage students to become socially responsible citizens and help them realize and experience the joy of serving the Society with utmost dedication and commitment. "Not Me, but You"

NSS Committee

Faculty Convener
  • Bindu S
Student Conveners
  • Rakshitha B.C
  • Suraj Roa Paver.R
Civil Defence

Civil Defence is a Voluntary organization of people setup to fight and mitigate the effects of disasters like Tsunami, earthquake, floods or civil disturbance on civilian life and to maintain the morale of the people at the times of crisis. We train students to help the needy through our forum.

"Self help during emergencies for the benefit of all living beings"

Civil Defence Committee

Faculty Convener
  • Bindu S
Student Conveners
  • Rakshitha R
  • Kishore R
National Cadet Corps

NCC aims to groom students into models of discipline and develops in them character, leadership, a secular outlook and the spirit of selfless service to the nation. Started functioning from 2018, The large NCC unit of the college, numbering 40 cadets presently, is led by a highly experienced officer Parade practice is held every Wednesday in Ganesh ground near the college.

NCC Committee

Faculty Convener
  • Bindu S
Student Conveners
  • Poornachandra K
  • MuniKumar K
Youth Red Cross

Youth Red Cross Unit members are the builders of the Nation who take part in bringing the very MOTTO of Red Cross, that is, " SERVICE TO SOCIETY" AND "THE POWER OF YOUTH TOWARDS MANKIND"

The Indian Red Cross Society has a component called "The Youth Red Cross," which is a group movement aimed at students aged 18 to 25. Our college has a Red Cross Youth Wing. Any student from any discipline can join the YRC. Our YRC unit, which is led by a programme officer, has 100 members.

"The Youth Red Cross" is the most important constituent of its mother organization, Indian Red Cross. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meet the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth programme. This has been designed to involve young people as much as possible in the movement and its activities not only as workers and also as beneficiaries. Indian Red Cross's programmes are grouped into four main core areas: Promoting humanitarian principles and values; Disaster response; Disaster preparedness; and Health and Care in the Community.

Why You Should be a Member of YRC

Every nation's young people are its greatest source of optimism. We educate our students to be compassionate citizens in our institution so that they can make a difference in the lives of the poor and vulnerable. Through YRC, we hope to create a positive impact on our students.

Principles oF YRC
  • Protection of health and life.
  • Service to the sick and suffering.
  • Promotion of National and International friendship.
  • To develop the mental and moral capacities of the Youth.
Seven Fundamental Principles of Youth Red Cross Unit
  • Humanity
  • Impartiality
  • Neutrality
  • Independence
  • Voluntary service
  • Unity
  • Universality

Youth Red Cross

Faculty Convener
  • Bindu S
Student Conveners
  • Darshan Bhat
  • Uktha Shekar